
Orthopedic physical therapy is the provision of care for those individuals of all ages with disorders or dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system. Orthopedic physical therapists are skilled in the diagnosis, management, and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders.

They are experts in the assessment of movement and can help individuals move better, often with less pain, through skilled manual therapy, therapeutic exercise and patient education.

The following health conditions are often managed by orthopedic physical therapists

The following health conditions are often managed by orthopedic physical therapists

Low back and neck pain
Rotator cuff injuries and other shoulder problems
Plantar fasciitis
Post-operative rehabilitation from orthopedic surgical procedures
Muscle strains
Joint sprains/pain/swelling, including knee and ankle injuries
Chronic pain
Lateral/medial epicondylitis (Tennis/golfer's elbow)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome