Who Can Benefit?

Who Can Benefit?

People with early to late-stage PD experiencing:

  • Walking difficulties (freezing, shuffling)
  • Decreased arm swing
  • Stooped posture
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Poor balance
  • Increased fall risk
  • Smaller movements
  • Difficulty initiating movement

 How Physical Therapy Can Help:

How Physical Therapy Can Help:

Either through traditional PT or the LSVT BIG program, patients may experience benefits such as:

  • Faster walking speed with bigger steps
  • Improved balance
  • Increased strength and flexibility
  • Improvements in activities of daily living, including bed mobility

 What is LSVT

What is LSVT


LSVT BIG is an intensive, amplitude focused physical therapy approach that is customized to the unique goals of each patient; including both gross and fine motor skills. It can be adapted or progressed to meet each patient's needs across a range of disease severity and presenting impairments.

LSVT BIG Treatment protocol:

  • 16 sessions: 4 consecutive times a week for 4 weeks
  • Individual 1-hour sessions